A rant about crappy VR and how vorpX is kick ass

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    I just got a Vive after having a DK2 for a few years. Its a giant improvement, the Vive is so cool. But MY god the VR games SUCK so hard. I thought they were bad 3 years ago, and they haven’t changed much.

    You want to to talk about unpolished. Steams line up of games is nothing but unpolished VR shovel ware. Every VR “Game” I’ve played up to this point, are so far from what a modern “game” is it’s really shocking. How could so much game design and know-how go down the tubes just because its now for “VR”. Everything from spelling mistakes to no stop physics glitches to half invisible people and inhuman animation rigs. Most VR stuff truly seems like a 14 yo kid threw it together for a laugh.

    Its like they are starting from scratch about everything. They feel like early 90s games just thrust into the future. No story, no characters, nothing meaningful taking place.. and if those element DO exist they are done so sloppily that its a turn off. Just a bunch of half baked mechanics crammed into a title that they now charge you good money for. Most go for $40 for a new “premium” title, something like Rick and Morty.

    Ive bought and tried almost all the major VR “games” most for about $40 a pop. The longest one lasted about 10 hours maybe. With vorpX you get to play most of your favorite REAL games in VR. Sure having better motion controls and all that would be great but there’s only so much vorpx can do. What it allows users to control and then do is unparalleled. Its not only worth the money, it’s the best money you can spend on a ANY VR related program. Its just kick ass.

    Valve or Someone should just buy vorpX, give Ralph a fat FAT stack then they can take it and run with it… Sadly they wont do that because they would rather dribble out barely interesting shovel ware. Every few months coming out with a “revolutionary” tile. When in fact these “revolutions” in game play are things that have existed in modern games for decades. Things like saving. Yes being able to save is somehow a NEW feature, or the ability to re map controls. Apparently in VR la la land that’s a NEW thing!

    Just wanted to rant a little about how disappointing the “real” VR stuff is compared to actual AAA games made by people who know what the hell they are doing. Ralph and anyone who helps at vorpX, keep up the good work, can’t wait for further updates!


    I’d like to disagree but I can’t.. I’m a new Rift owner and while I love my purchase, you are correct about the quality of the available games in general.

    I have to give Frontier props though because Elite Dangerous is masterful in VR but yes, I will be buying this software at the weekend because the idea of playing Skyrim and Borderlands 2 in VR sounds totally delicious.

    I want to play a decent MMO in VR as a matter of priority as well if anyone has any tips of what they play?! I have posted to see if anyone has got ESO going in any decent fashion so please chip in if you know anything.



    I disagree.

    Some of my best moments in gaming have been in native VR titles. Rec Room alone has given me more enjoyment than most things I’ve played previously.

    I’ve been playing video games since the ZX Spectrum and I’ve been through every tech generation other than Space Wars and Hunt the Wampus (I was too young – I did play Adventure however)

    VR games are deceptive. Some of the greatest gaming experiences prior to VR lacked ‘polish’ and all the attributes people associate with top class games. Minecraft is a good example of a game that a modern studio wouldn’t touch but has had the longevity and engagement that surpasses your Fallouts and your GTAs.


    Minecraft is a good example of a game that a modern studio wouldn’t touch but has had the longevity and engagement that surpasses your Fallouts and your GTAs.

    Indeed. Minecraft is amazing in VR with the Vivecraft mod too.

    I also disagree. I had some incredible VR gaming experiences in Star Trek: Bridge Crew, Ironwolf VR, Bullets and More, Pavlov, Onward, Vivecraft, Raw Data, Climbey, The Art of Fight, Quell 4D, Warpaint, Elite, and Battlezone.

    On the other hand I’ve also been having a blast playing New Vegas for 95 hours and counting using VorpX. I love both VorpX and native VR games.


    Minecraft is a good example of a game that a modern studio wouldn’t touch but has had the longevity and engagement that surpasses your Fallouts and your GTAs.

    Indeed. Minecraft is amazing in VR with the Vivecraft mod too.

    I also disagree. I had some incredible VR gaming experiences in Star Trek: Bridge Crew, Ironwolf VR, Bullets and More, Pavlov, Onward, Vivecraft, Raw Data, Climbey, The Art of Fight, Quell 4D, Warpaint, Elite, and Battlezone.

    On the other hand I’ve also been having a blast playing New Vegas for 95 hours and counting using VorpX. I love both VorpX and native VR games.

    I think you can and should enjoy all the options :)

    I am curious. Are you playing New Vegas in Cinema / Geometry mode or in full directVR mode?


    Minecraft is a good example of a game that a modern studio wouldn’t touch but has had the longevity and engagement that surpasses your Fallouts and your GTAs.

    Indeed. Minecraft is amazing in VR with the Vivecraft mod too.

    I also disagree. I had some incredible VR gaming experiences in Star Trek: Bridge Crew, Ironwolf VR, Bullets and More, Pavlov, Onward, Vivecraft, Raw Data, Climbey, The Art of Fight, Quell 4D, Warpaint, Elite, and Battlezone.

    On the other hand I’ve also been having a blast playing New Vegas for 95 hours and counting using VorpX. I love both VorpX and native VR games.

    I think you can and should enjoy all the options 🙂

    I am curious. Are you playing New Vegas in Cinema / Geometry mode or in full directVR mode?

    I play New Vegas in full Direct VR mode with a wireless Xbox One controller standing. It feels very immersive even with a gamepad. Ralf also suggested to me to try it using the Vive controllers instead of the gamepad because it frees up your hands.

    It really feels great to be able to turn with your body and look around with your head. With standing mode you basically take full advantage of the rotational and positional tracking.

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