Battlefield 1 setup

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    I have managed to get a really solid Battlefield 1 setup going so far, thought I would share it if people are looking at that game.

    step 1
    download online profile by “piebald3”

    step 2
    adjust in game FOV to it’s max settings

    step 3
    tweak values of:
    GstRender.ScreenSafeAreaHeight as needed
    GstRender.ScreenSafeAreaWidth as needed
    in “PROFSAVE_profile” found in C:\Users\(your user name)\Documents\Battlefield 1\settings
    (note this setting is optional but if you lower the value below 1 this brings the hud elements into view like the minimap.. which is useful)

    step 4
    adjust physical distance to face of lens on actual headset and adjust vorpx FOV and image zoom settings until comfortable


    Where did you get this profile? I only see people mentioning they used it not where to get it. Yes I googled it.


    step 1
    Open Vorpx

    Step 2
    click “cloud profiles” on left

    step 3
    type in name of game “Battlefield 1” under the “Game/App” field (note: if you havn’t logged in with a user name you will have to make this now before it loads in online profiles)

    step 4
    select the one by piebald3 (his name will be in brackets after name of game)

    step 5
    click “import profile” button


    Does it have 3D Geometry?


    Yeah i think so? it runs great


    what are your settings for the GstRender.ScreenSafeAreaHeight GstRender.ScreenSafeAreaWidth. i have a monitor that does 1080p so should it be 1920 1080 for me?

    this is what mine shows up as
    GstRender.ScreenSafeAreaHeight 1.000000
    GstRender.ScreenSafeAreaWidth 1.000000”

    i have a 24 inch 1080p monitor with hdmi.


    Wow, I didn’t realize how popular my profile had become. Nifty. I was just mucking around when the free beta was live. Nice job on the suggested tweaks. I didn’t put a lot of time into it after I got it to hook and I never even ended up buying it for PC. Glad some people are getting some use out of it and making it better. Was finally thinking about grabbing it with all the Black Friday sales going on.


    Hey igbeserk, this is what I use:

    GstRender.ScreenSafeAreaHeight 0.850000
    GstRender.ScreenSafeAreaWidth 0.400000

    You will also want to turn off achievement notifications and some other stuff in settings just FYI. When you pull the map and display in like this those kind of things will show up right in your view if not disabled I have found.


    any setting I can change so when i move my head my gun stays in the same position,i have enabled head tracking on the main page of vorpx but when i move my head in game the gun moves too and I aim with my head


    any setting I can change so when i move my head my gun stays in the same position,i have enabled head tracking on the main page of vorpx but when i move my head in game the gun moves too and I aim with my head

    I don’t think that decoupled aim/movement will be possible?


    tried it but z3d is has no depth at all
    and g3d is missing the right eye it just stays black

    any suggestions?


    very cool to see in action…

    but it’s a damn shame there is NO 3D at all..
    no Z-3D.. no D3D..

    the only 3D is in the menu with the cursor..

    so it’s a real trade-off.. immersion and gaze control, vs resolution and better framerate.

    if there were a 3D solution, I would use this all the time.


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