Outlast 1 on Vive

Homepage Forums Game Hints and Settings Outlast 1 on Vive

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    Hey, just got VorpX and have been playing around with Outlast for the past couple of days, trying to tweak the settings to get things to work well.

    I still have one issue that makes the game unplayable for me, and I’m wondering if anyone has any advice or knows what setting will help with that. I couldn’t find any information on this anywhere.

    When I’m not using the in-game video recorder/camera, everything looks great with Geometry 3D. Water looks off, but that’s not a big deal. However, when I pull up the camera, things look out of focus, with double vision as if the 3d isn’t really working correctly. Plus, it seems like the middle of the screen is blurred while the edges aren’t, which is very perceptible when you’re looking at an object that goes beyond that threshold.

    I’ve applied the game optimizer settings to the game, so I’m not sure what it could be. Any help or tips would be appreciated. Thank you.


    something is really wrong with latest vorpx version, i have played outlast like 8 months ago on vorpx and everything was working great.

    looks like it’s not the case anymore.

    a fix is needed asap.


    Any news on this? Pretty upsetting not being able to play Outlast in VR when its got all this hype around it. Had same issue. Camera night vision is unplayable shits no bueno.


    That’s weird I just beat it not month ago camera worked fine in geometry 3d mode. Dlc too. I wish outlast 2 worked in geometry 3d that’d be sweet.


    Hey, man! So when you played, was it uncomfortable? i mean, im playing but its doesnt seem exactly comfortable


    Using the camera, yeah. Otherwise everything is fine.

    This is the issue happening:

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    Basically, everything looks blurred. But when you get close to an object, it becomes unblurred. There’s a clear outline in the shape of the object that is in focus, but it is off in relation to the 3d model. Maybe there’s a setting to turn off that blurry effect that would make it playable?


    Hmmm.. Im not sure I mean… When I finally got to play using all the right settings… it looks like it sooo zoomed in… and idk how to explain its uncomfortable for the eyes


    First thing. Using the camcorder on a regular flat tv outside vr looks like crap too. Bc the in game camcorder is designed to look like a crappy night vision camcorder. It was an immersive measure the game devs took at the time. My advice to anyone is ONLY USE EDGE PEEK MODE and make sure geometry 3d is on. It’s not like it’s room scale. My edge peek screen goes beyond my oeriphrial vision but for some reason looks better and doesn’t feel right up in my face.

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