Cyberpunk 2077

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    There was no G3D profile. Directx12. It was Z3D only, not sure what he is talking about.

    david joe

    I use OQ2 and also get a wide Full vr
    There is no covering under the feet.
    In the game, the resolution feels very low
    Which custom resolutions should I add?
    My monitor can only display 1920*1080
    (graphics card RTX 2060)


    I use 1440 x 1600 @60 on my 1080p monitor for my Vive Pro, The Per Eye Resolution. In Vorpx ingame menu theres an option so vorpx doesnt change the resolution. looks like 1832 x 1920 is native for OC2. you might be able to use virtual desktop to set it if you cant do it on your desktop monitor.


    Regarding the G3D confusion earlier in the thread: my bad, sorry guys. I had to temporarily set the G3D flag in the profile to enable the shader authoring UI for defining HUD/menu shaders and forgot to unset it prior to release. Hence G3D was selectable at first in the menu. It didn’t do anything though, the profile itself is Z3D only.


    Im playing with an RTX 3080 and a Vive Cosmos (2880 x 1700 combined pixel resolution). I left on the default video settings in-game (RTX ultra) and when I got to Night City (played ‘nomad’), the frames dropped to the floor, and whole thing chunked down. Had to just play on my monitor in order to get through it (the Night City video and car scene). Now in Night City and using the Vorpx profile, I cant seem to find a resolution that is smooth. My monitor runs the image smooth, but headset has frame losses. Skipping all over the place. Any insights into game resolution settings/tweaks in Vorpx?

    Thanks so much for the assist!


    RTX ultra + 2880×1700 is probably the answer to your question. I did my play test with slightly more modest 2560×1440 and the graphics settings that the game chose automatically for a 3080 without any framerate issues.

    david joe

    On the PC desktop, it can be perfect
    OQ2 uses 1832 x 1920. Similarly the frames dropped to the floor.
    I use i7 10700K +32Gb+RTX2060
    Am I wrong or missing some necessary settings?


    There isn’t a huge framerate impact for creating the 3D effect with Z3D (less than 10% when I check here with vorpX in ‘Generic 3D Display’ mode), but there is some additional overhead for rendering to the headset and most importantly when the GPU is maxed out fully it becomes increasingly difficult for vorpX to serve both the game and the headset. In other words: the higher the GPU load the greater the chance that rendering to the headset can’t keep up, which can cause stutter.

    Finding a resolution/graphics settings that works stable on your PC is pretty much the only useful hint I can give here.


    Thanks so much Ralf and david joe.


    I was using the vorpx base profile, after the update to support Cyberpunk. Geometry was there and looked way better than Z3d. Then another update comes later and bam, no G3d 🤷‍♂️


    Please see this reply a few posts above: click. Sorry again for the confusion.


    One thing since the update – I am using an xbox one controller – I see the keyboard controls overlay in the game. What is the vorpx section where I can chose the Xbox One controller overlay instead, so I can see the right controls for me?

    Thanks a ton!

    The updated profile looks AMAZING!



    That’s a side effect of head tracking, which currently is done by emulating a mouse, so the game constantly switches between controller and mouse input. A handful of games allow to choose whether the gamepad or the keyboard overlay should be shown, but I couldn’t find anything like that here when I looked through the menu.

    The upside is that at least the game can handle mouse and gamepad input at the same time, which makes things a lot easier. Not all games do.

    I’ll look into DirectVR memory scanner head tracking later, which would remedy this glitch, but can’t say yet whether or not that will possible in the end.


    Do you guys keep crashing 2 minute after opening the game with vorpx or not ?
    i have a 5700xt


    I just played for an hour straight without any issues. Both nVidia and AMD had graphics driver updates yesterday specifically for the game. Please check whether you have the latest driver installed.

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