If this happens when you start the game with Z3D first and then switch to G3D, please switch to G3D once, press OK&SAVE and then restart the game. In some newer games with more complex render pipelines live switching from Z3D to G3D can cause issues since for performance reasons vorpX skips some things with Z3D it does when G3D is enabled. In such cases games have to be started with G3D enabled for it to work right.
If you happen to have a HDR monitor, please also make sure that HDR is disabled, in Windows as well as inthe game options. vorpX should take care of the latter automatically, but maybe that failed for some reason (e.g. if you disabled automatic settings).
As far as zoom is concerned I’m not entirely sure what you mean by that, but in case you mean the field of view, please make sure to check the instructions that are displayed in the top/left corner of the game window.
Also please reset the profile to default in the config app to ensure everything is set up as it supposed to be.