F1 2020(DX11) Inverted horizontal game headtracking HTC Vive

Homepage Forums Technical Support F1 2020(DX11) Inverted horizontal game headtracking HTC Vive

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  • #198819

    The headtracking horizontal movement is inverted on Full VR mode.
    I noticed something weird also, looks like there is 2 kinds of headtracking running at the same time when headtracking is enabled on VorpX settings, one is the VorpX tracking also the best tracking and the other feels like its the game headtracking and it has some kind of movement dampening effect and also the Horizontal camera/headtracking movement is inverted here.


    Please reset the profile to default in the config app and afterwards check the instructions in the top left corner of the game window for correct head tracking and FOV.

    Due to the new TrackIR handling in the last vorpX version the profile has been changed to a FullVR profile. If you already played the game prior to the last vorpX update or downloaded user settings, a reset to default is required to make sure everything is as set up right.

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