How to completely uninstall cyberpunk vorpx standalone?

Homepage Forums Technical Support How to completely uninstall cyberpunk vorpx standalone?

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  • #209907

    I am trying to completely uninstall the cyberpunk vorpx stand alone. The one that came out just before the motion controls update. I ran the uninstaller, but I still have many files the vorpx files in the folder. And when I run cyberpunk, the vorpx mod is active and working. How do I remove all the files completely? Im wanting to try to install the luke ross mod. Also when I installed the vorpx standalone, i installed it in the cyberpunk folder just after the steam common folder. But im finding vorpx files in the the cyberpunk Bin folder, after i ran the uninstall program. Thanks


    That’s weird. If the uninstaller failed for some reason remove the following file manually:


    If you don’t have any other mods installed that use the Cyber Engine Tweaks modding framework, you can also delete [CP2077]\bin\x64\version.dll.

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