Manually add game to vorpX

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    Hi there,
    I’m new to vorpX, and I’m wondering if there is a way to manually specify an exe for the program to hook onto. I have some games that don’t natively support it, but I’d like to try them anyway.

    Thanks in advance!


    For DX9-11 vorpX tries to hook everything automatically. For DX12 that isn’t the case yet, so if you have a DX12 game, you will have to a create copy of an existing DX12 profile in the config app and assign the main .exe the game you want to try to the profile copy.

    Potential candidates that can be used as a bsse profile are e.g. Horizon Zero Dawn or Cyperpunk 2077.

    If you want to learn more about creating user profiles, check the ‘user profiles’ section in the help. Covers the most important basics.


    Oh, I see. I was also wondering if there is a way to increase the resolution of games that support direct VR scanning. I love playing Portal 2 in full VR, but the max resolution for 4:3 in 1024 by something. Is there a way to make the game clearer? Do I have to mess with the Windows resolution settings?


    If you have an nVidia GPU, you can add resolutions larger than your monitor supports in the nVidia control panel. For AMD your are limited to some preconfigured ones unfortunately.

    The ‘Custom Resolutions’ section in the vorpX help explains step-by-step how to do that. In case of Portal 2 you normally should see an according hint in the vorpX menu whenever you try to change the resolution there to one that isn’t supported.

    A typical FullVR resolution would e.g. be 1920×1440, but for older and less demanding games like Portal 2 even super crisp 3200×2400 are possible without any problems.

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