Hello, I have a problem with Vorpx. I can’t play The Witcher in VR. Whenever I start the game it says that my Quest 3 is not recognized and I should make sure it is connected.
I have a Quest 3, which is also connected to the desktop Meta app with a green light. Meta Link is also connected to my PC.
I have already tried many things.
In Vorpx I have selected Oculus. (But also tried with SteamVR, OpenXr etc. everything did not work).
The game starts, but only on the Pc not in Vorpx. In addition, the above message appears: “no oculus headset found. vorpx will not work correctly”
I start Meta link and have tried to start the game via it.
I tried it directly via Vorpx.
I ran the quest as openxr runtime etc.
The game I want to start is the witcher 3 which I also bought on steam.
I have also checked “use alternative hooking method” in Vorpx General, but it still doesn’t work. It only ever starts the game on the PC, not in VR and not via VorpX.
I have already run it as an admin. And I have also read all the posts on the subject and applied all the tips in them.
The only thing where vorpX does not complain is when I start quest link connected via WLAN. Then vorpx says “Attaching to Witcher 3”. but it only loads on the PC. In the VR glasses I only see that Witcher is running and can look around the Quest Link area as normal (the area with the menu bar).
What else can I do? Can you please help me?