I know this has been asked multiple times in the forum, but it seems most have RD2 running through Steam. I am running RD2 through Epic Games. I have multiple monitors, but have disabled all but one, have made sure none of my programs are trying to block VorpX, but it still won’t hook with the game. I have gone into the parent folder and run the Rdr2.exe manually from there (I did notice that the epic version launches the game from PlayRdr2.exe. Regardless, once Rdr2.exe loads into rockstars socialclub (where you hit the actual play button) it launches the Epic app. I can confirm that Vorpx works on other games (though not for death stranding either). I have changed my device to SteamVR as was suggested in a few other posts, but it still doesn’t want to hook. I am using an Occulus Rift S with an RTX 2070 super
1. Excluding PlayRdr2.exe from vorpX in the config App, just in case.
2. Browse to your RDR2 folder, where you should see a d3d9.dll, which would be the hook helper that vorpX installed on first game launch. Try to rename it to ‚version.dll‘, if that also doesn‘t help, try ‚Dxgi.dll‘.
I excluded the PlayRdr2 executable file, however there is no hook helper .dll in the root folder; so I think that might be the issue. Is there a way to manually add the .dll?
Unfortunately not. Normally it should be created when RDR2.exe is launched and the helper is not present already. One thing you could try is making sure that you have write access to the RDR2 folder.
If that also doesn’t help, it would be great if you could create a trouble shoot data archive in the config app after trying to launch the game and send that to support at vorpx com.