Registration Still not working

Homepage Forums Installation and Registration Support Registration Still not working

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    I know you must be thinking I have not done exactly what was depicted in the license dialog but i have made sure that my name and email address looked exactly like it was said it needed to be and made sure it was the way it was in the email sent to me to confirm my purchase but still not success in the matter so i have uninstalled this and reinstalled it 3 times restarted my computer made sure that no firewall was preventing it from functioning at full capacity , but it still does not go through and keeps giving me the same message saying that the registration could not be verified , so i would really like to use this software since i have paid for it so can i get an explanation to why it dose not work or a solution to the problem?


    Use COPY AND PASTE for both the name field and the key field. Do not type anything manually.

    There almost certainly is a typo in the name field if the resgistration fails.

    If using COPY AND PASTE does not help, please send a screenshot of the license dialog after pasting in the data to support |at| vorpx com.

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