I bought vorpx today to play rfactor 1 in VR.I have an HTC vive. so far I’m unable to launch it in VR. i’ve been trying different settings all day long, but nothing works for me.
I’ve tried everything on these 3 topics
rfactor 1 not starting
RFactor 1 Set up Help
rfactor 1 and VorpX 0.75
Can anyone help me? Thanks in advance :)
My config is 6700k, 16Gigs RAM, R9 390. Vive works perfectly with project cars, assetto corsa and adr1ft.
edit: I forgot to say: I got 2 differents error messages: the first one was “unable to hook rfactor.exe” and the second one was “plugin outdated” and then it says try to update the plugin. But I couldn’t find find how to update the plugin :(