Seperate mouselook and head look possible?

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    Hey everyone, new to site, new to occulus rift :)

    As long as i’ve been gaming, i’ve always inverted the mosuelook or controllor input for up and down, problem is, when I do that with vorpx games, it also inverts the information when i use my head to look up or down. Is there any way to change this so when i use controllor to look up i can have inverted, and still keep my head movement follow the actual direction of my head?

    It’s proving a real stumbling block for me, I just can’t do anything!

    Games I have installed so far are Fallout 4, Skyrim SE and GTAV (I havent set this up yet but assuming I will run into same problem)

    If it’s not possible on these games, are there any games where it IS possible?

    Thanks in advance!!


    In Fallout 4 and Skyrim that shouldn’t happen after running the Direct VR scan normally. With Direct VR enabled, vorpX directly manipulates the game camera.

    For other games with mouse based head tracking there is an option to invert the tracking on the head tracking page of the vorpX ingame menu.


    Hi Ralf I very much appreciate you taking the time to answer me, I’m still a bit confused tho, I’m gonna make some yes/no questions, please understand this is for my inability to grap things easilly and not a reflection on your answer :)

    1) Are you saying I should in fact be able to have my game contoller move in an inverted fashion and my oculus rift will follow my own head movement?

    2) I have the oculus rift touch controllers and an xbox one controllor (not official one) will the above work regardless of which contoller I use?

    If these answers are yes I’ll offer you my first born :)


    Provided I understood your issue correctly the answer to both questions is yes.

    In Direct VR games the vorpX head tracking is completely independent from the mouse after running the scan.

    With mouse based tracking you can invert the tracking in the vorpX menu to counteract your inverted mouse.


    that is great news thanks much :)

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