Using vorpX for CAD-Software like Solid Edge

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    I was wondering if I would be able to use vorpX for CAD-software like Solide Edge, Sketch Up or something similar.
    I quickly tried it, but it didn’t work immediately. Haven’t done anything further.
    I couldn’t find anything regarding this with Google.

    Best regards,


    Very unlikely to work in a useful fashion. CAD software usually has multiple 3D-windows/viewports open at the same time. Even if vorpX could theoretically stereoize the app in question (would have to be D3D/OpenGL), it is not designed to handle multiple windows/viewports at once.

    What you could do is using the desktop viewer to display the software in 2D on a huge screen, but that’s probably not what you had in mind.


    Fusion 360 uses only one viewpoint. I would love to use it in that.

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