Vorpx and Oculus GO.

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  • #180692

    Hello, first apologize for my English.
    I wanted to ask if vorpx is compatible with the oculus go through the ALVR application, I am interested in vorpx but I have this doubt. in theory it would have to work correctly since ALVR works with steam vr ..
    Thank you


    vorpX works via ALVR on GO. Judging from my own tests I wouldn’t call it the best possible vorpX experience due to realatively high latency introduced by ALVR, but technically it does work.


    I buy vorpx but I can not get anything to work, any special settings in the general tab?
    Do they have to be the original steam games?
    Thank you


    I think the problem is that under a profile but then in a local profile, the name of the game does not come out in blue and I get the add and remove tab … depending on the videos I’ve seen, the name of the game should be blue and have these tabs activated. any ideas?
    PD: I’m logged in


    Please try a full factory reset (trouble shooting page in the config app). If you find your game in the ‘Local Profiles’ list, the according profile is active. Blue means that you are using a custom profile made by another user, which ist not necessary if a game is already in the ‘Local Profiles’ list.

    In regard to hooking issues, please check the trouble shooting sticky above.

    You can also activate an alternative hooking method in the vorpX config app. Caveat: only use this method in case of problems with a game. It is not meant for general use.


    ok, solved already hooks. Now it’s time to try configurations and things.
    Thank you

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