system shock

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    tomorrow is out (the remake)

    it uses unreal 4

    there is a demo..

    anyone try to create a profile?


    Dellrifters demo profile seems to work, but with geometry 3D there is some glitching when I turn. Z-Normal looks pretty good too and of course runs much better. Im sure there will be lots of vr work for this in the future. (still waiting on that preydogs universal vr mod…)

    Edit. Might need to use alternative hooking / script hook. But don´t know if this is necessary for anyone else since recently I need to use it alot in another games too to get vorpx to work?


    Where is dellrifters demo profile? I dont see it in the cloud profiles? maybe under a different title?


    System Shock Demo (2023)
    That is the name, I just searched for “System”


    i was using latest stable vers of vorpx. updated to newest beta, then i was able to get profile from cloud.

    But it won’t hook…


    work great for me, with unreal engine dx 11 profile Observer . with g3d dont renderer right eye . with zadaptive work great . i wish that Ralf create official profile!


    It’s been months since I messed with the demo, but these are the notes from the profile I included at the time. Might need to turn off DLSS and Shadow quality to avoid weirdness in G3D.

    System Shock Demo (2023)
    Experimental G3D/Z3D
    -use a 16:9 resolution (2560×1440)
    -set FOV to max 120 in game
    -turn off DLSS
    -set Post Processing to Medium

    *shadows cause occasional flicker. If you want to disable, open Engine.ini found in:
    C:\Users\*NAME*\AppData\Local\SystemReShock\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor …
    add lines at bottom and save:


    And yes, this was uploaded with vorpX beta, so it might not show in the cloud for non beta users, sorry.


    Got it to hook, had to use the d3d11 hook helper. Glad it did because the g3d looks awesome so far. Nice job on the profile, even the hud is scalable, etc..

    thanks for the help ;-)


    I went with the new System Shock Remake profile as well as tried the beta demo one mentioned here. Its not rendering the right eye in G3D mode on neither both fo them. UI elements and things like the title of System Shock do but not the rest of the screen like Saturn and the space station on the main menu. Or anything actually in game. Z-normal and Z-adaptive work as intended.

    Played around with shader configurations in the advanced option but it did not work

    Looking around the forums Nier Automata profile experienced too this glitch until the developer did something to it in a update to fix it. The Shock remake profile listed in the cloud used vorpx version 20.2.0 to make it while my version is currently 21.3.3. Since you cant do roll backs cant test if it is build specific


    I would double check that you are not using DLSS in game graphics settings, as this is a common culprit of one eye black in G3D.

    It is also best to make sure the profile launches in G3D by default rather than Z3D. The default is whatever you set the last time you opened and closed the vorpX menu. So if you exited the game in Z3D mode, your next launch will default to Z3D.


    >The default is whatever you set the last time you opened and closed the vorpX menu.
    This did the trick. Thank you. While I did enable max low graphics settings in testing (including no DLSS), I did not restart with G3D default.

    Works now as intended


    i have upload a profile with perfect geometry ! try it!


    i have upload a profile with perfect geometry ! try it!

    What resolution and FOV are you using in the game settings?

    With 3850×2160 FOV=120 the image is crushed into a square and warping whenever I move my head


    What resolution and FOV are you using in the game settings?

    With 3850×2160 FOV=120 the image is crushed into a square and warping whenever I move my head


    I use 2560×1440 for g3d .
    4k for zadaptive. Fov 105!

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