Good Full VR Games for Beginners

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    If you are new to vorpX, you probably want to hop right into the action instead of learning how to configure vorpX. The list below contains first person games that work with litlle to no configuration in ‘Full VR’ due to vorpX’s DirectVR functionality, which can configure important things like field of view, head tracking or resolution automatically.

    For third person games that are usually played best in immersive screen or cinema mode not much configuration is required in general, so this list focuses on first person ‘Full VR’ games that can be a little harder to configure without DirectVR.

    If you are stuck, make sure to check the ‘Essential Hints Guide’ and the ‘Quick Reference’ in the help. They help you understand a few basic concepts.

    Metro 2033
    Metro Last Light
    Kingdom Come Deliverance
    Half-Life 2
    Portal 2
    Cyberpunk 2077
    Left 4 Dead 2
    Black Mesa Source
    The Stanley Parable
    Prey [2017]
    Mirror’s Edge
    Deus Ex: Human Revolution
    Thief [2014]
    Get Even
    Aliens: Colonial Marines
    Fallout 3
    Fallout New Vegas
    Fallout 4
    Fallout 76
    Outlast 2
    Crysis 3
    The Hunter: Call of the Wild
    Titanfall 2
    Conan Exiles [no BattleEye]
    ArmA III (no BattleEye)
    Far Cry
    Far Cry 2
    Far Cry 3
    Far Cry 4
    Far Cry Primal
    F.E.A.R 2
    Shadow Warrior [2013][DX9]
    Shadow Warrior 2
    The Talos Principle
    Unreal Tournament 3
    Bulletstorm Full Clip Edition
    The Turing Test
    Hard Reset [original version]
    Farming Simulator 2017
    Gone Home
    Dear Esther (original Source engine version)
    Quake 3
    Quake 4
    Tron 2.0
    Deadfall Adventures
    Star Wars: Jedi Knight II
    Star Trek Voyager Elite Force
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