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  • in reply to: prey 2017. #165421

    wow, thank you very much- Prey is a game I haven’t touched with the hopes a profile would become available, and held off. Will try this out for myself and finally play the game the way I had hoped to!

    in reply to: After a year of owning VorpX… #165420

    Vorpx is without a doubt the best $40 I’ve spent in VR software for sure. Gaming in general, dunno about that one, but vorpx validates VR in a way that the native game offerings, (what, two or so years in now?) haven’t yet.

    I was trying to write a review for Dead Effect 2 VR the other day, and found it really difficult to decide how I felt about it as it’s the closest VR native games have gotten to ‘modern day games’. I wanted to praise the game’s strong points like locomotion movement on the motion controller, having a narrative; but the game itself is so bland and behind the times- and that was enforced by just how nuts and fun VR is with vorpx, and having that exist side by side with this highly praised new release- and I realized that honestly I’ve had the most fun in vr with vorpx and games that are already fully rounded. I wonder when, or if VR-built games will ever catch up to the price tag they carry. For the time I’ve had my headset though, Vorpx and my library of owned, and bought-for-vr titles have been cheaper than most of the developed-for-vr games out there.

    I can only hope that the list of games and game engines supported will continue to grow- honestly I care more about the development of Vorpx in games than VR developed games themselves at this point.. The development and updates to vorpx have always been a huge step forward while the VR game market seems to be standing still. I like good games, not overpriced novelty galleries, and software like vorpx be the biggest value in seeing that there really is potential with the hardware, after motion controlled environmental VR sheen wore off.
    I think the first game I tried was GTA V, followed by stalker. I was first blown away with Z3D GTAV, then really had my mind blown with geometry-3d in Stalker Call of Pripyat; some time later, thanks to the vorpx development, now I get to go back and try GTA with geometry 3d and it’ll be even crazier, I have no doubt.

    So yeah, tldr; maybe not in games overall, but for vr gaming- yeah vorpx has been the biggest blessing to the new platform. Here’s selfishly hoping that continues to expand!

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