0.4.2b DK2 sdk and skyrim positional tracking

Homepage Forums General vorpX Discussion 0.4.2b DK2 sdk and skyrim positional tracking

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  • #17911

    Hi Ralf, all,

    It is looking like the 0.4.2b update of the dk2 sdk and firmware is breaking the camera positional tracking for vorpx. blue light is no longer turning on on the camera. the head tracking still seems to work as the mouse is still being mapped to the rift, but no more positional tracking on skyrim when geometry mode is set. i would ask if others can confirm this, but not sure if you can roll back the rift firmware once updated.


    It seems quite a few people have the “constant orange light”-issue, me included. I’m rather new to Oculus and the DK2, I’ve only tried a few things (reinstalled OS once before first install, reinstalled drivers, rolled back and forth graphics drivers, tried on another PC). Have you seen this thread over at Oculus Dev forum? https://developer.oculusvr.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=12012

    For me, it was working fine until the next reboot of the PC. I haven’t tried reinstalling the OS yet another time, as I just did that, but I installed it on another laptop and then suddenly it worked on that laptop, and later also on my own computer – Until the next reboot! (well, power-down / up cycle). This is where I’m at now (I’ll get to try and install it again on the laptop later (it’s not my laptop), but I don’t really hold much hope for it at the moment.. Might just wait for a firmware or driver update before I try fiddling with it again – if I can wait that long that is).


    just to update, rebooting got my camera working again, apologies for jumping the gun reporting this. i guess everything is still a little unstable. gotta say, when it works, skyrim definitely rocks. very much looking forward to more games enabled for geometry/positional tracking.

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