Can we somehow play 360 movies in MPC ? Win 7?
Or how can I watch wallpapers in 360?
I’m doing some CGI renders and I’m not sure if its possible to test look at them in MPC? When I open the movie its just like cinema but not 360 wrapping me ? Are there options to set projection? Width Height ? So I can have 100 deg over 90 etc etc? Or 360×180?
That’s not possible with MPC/VLC. With vorpX and MPC/VLC you can watch 3D movies, but not 360° videos. Might be added in the future. It’s on the nice-to-have-list though without any specific date.
But there are a number of players that can do this: I used Whirligig (http://www.whirligig.xyz/) in the past and if I’m not mistaken it supports both Rift and Vive now.
Thanks for fast reply! Yeah I tried Whirligig but the controls are just wow. I cant use it. + any video I try to play I get an error and it down work :- (
I also tried Virtual Desktop and I’m also getting errors. Looks like no1 want to support win 7 :- (