360° videos with MPC-HC

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    I really like watching movies with MPC-HC and VorpX, but so far it only works with normal videos. Is there any chance for 360° VR-videos in the future?


    Just so you know. There is a program called Virtual desktop you can buy on steam. It can view different kinds of 360 and 180 videos/pictures viewer. Side by side, over-top or standard and sphere or dome types.


    I used that while it was free on my old DK2. The VorpX desktop and video stuff just looks a lot better IMO. All I’m missing is support for 360 videos.


    This has been requested a few times in the past and will finally be available in the next version for both MPC-HC and VLC (and all other video players that work with vorpX) supporting the most common mono and stereo 360 video types.

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