“3D Paraglider” runs with vorpX + Vive!
Its a simple but nice paraglide simulation much better than the reviews state on steam (unity engine) and it works surprisingly well in VR / Vorpx!
Only when you get very close to objects, things have not their natural size (e.g. you are half a meter taller than the people on the ground). But in the sky its very good, given it is a very low budget game (long distance to objects and landscape feel very real).
This is the first short guide.
First, you need to have vorpx installed and basic knowledge about it (buy and read on vorpx.com). More important you need time and patients to get familiar with vorpx – its not just plug-and-play.
1. In the vorpx configuration window create a new game-profile based on any unity-engine profile (I used Firewatch) and check both tic-boxes “Keep …” (>Local Profiles> button “create a new profile based on this one”… > ok)
2. Now you have to assign the 3dparaglider.exe to this new profile (open/activated the new profile > Add-button> navigate to Steam…>3D Paraglider>3dparaglider.exe)
3. Finally apply this profile to vorpX (apply button).
4. Have SteamVR on and run the game from steam, it should automatically hook into VR
5. If not and for launch-convenience, create a VR-desktop-short-cut this way:
right-click on the vorpx icon in the quickstart menu >choose create “desktop short cut” >navigate to your 3dparaglider.exe in the steam folder >start 3D Para with that shortcut (while vorpx, steam and your VR is ready)
6. Choose low graphic settings first and then work your way up depending on your GPU (the highest quality settings come with weird sun glare and shadows, so medium is best)
(Tested with HTC Vive, i5 6500, GTX 1080 (without ti), Win7, vorpx 19.2.1)
Fly save!
LOL: Super immersive: Real paraflying makes some people sick, low FPS as well – you cannot ask for more realism! ;-)