3D Reconstruction not changeable

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    This is an issue I’ve seen others post about, but not in a long time, and the fixes suggested don’t apply to me (User names having strange characters in them) So I figure I’ll start a new one and try to find an updated solution.

    After launching VorpX in BeamNG.Drive on the HTC Vive, and getting into the game with the menu popping up successfully, 3D Reconstruction is set to ‘Off’ and no amount of changing other setting seems to make it work. The game also isn’t displaying in the HMD at all, just on my monitor, in two different lenses like they usually do. No response from the headset though. I’m using the generic headset profile, because the Oculus specific one didn’t work at all.

    Any and all help is very greatly appreciated.


    It’s worth pointing out I haven’t messed with anything else yet, no .dll files or anything like that. All I have done is start SteamVR, Vorpx, and BeamNG.Drive in the correct order. Not sure if I need to do more first. I’m following a tutorial on steam:


    And am stuck on the beginning of the first large paragraph.


    There is a profile for BeamNG in the cloud menu, I presume you are using that?

    That guide is a bit odd, because the author mentions trying different renamings of the game executable, none of which are games that are running that BeamNG’s Torque engine. [Having checked , they changed the engine during development so maybe that’s why it used to work?]

    Try the renaming trick to fool vorpx into attaching, also possibly the desktop shortcut option, and keep it on SteamVR if on the vive.
    That guide is for the Oculus, and might be dependent on a particular oculus runtime or version of the game.

    I don’t have the game but hope this helps.


    No, Im not using and game profiles. I’m an idiot, so how would I go about doing that? I assume there is a guide somewhere.


    It’s pretty straight forward:

    1. Open the vorpX config app.
    2. Go to the “Cloud Profiles” page
    (3.) If you didn’t do so already, create an account
    4. Enter the first few letters of the game name into the “Game/App” field
    5. Select and import the profile

    Please note that user profiles are not guaranteed to work.


    Ok mate, Ill give that a try tonight. Thanks heaps, I’ll let you know how it goes.


    Ok, I’ve gotten that to work, but how do I now get it to actually appear in the headset? I appreciate the help a lot mate, I apologise if the questions Im asking are stupid, but I could find a BeamNG.Drive/HTC Vive/VorpX guide anywhere.


    couldn’t* not could. I couldn’t find a guide anywhere.


    So I’ve given that a try a few times, but like I said, I cant get it to actually show up in the headset. Any ideas?


    Please check whether you have the right headset type selected in the vorpX config app. Do not use the “Generic VR headset”. Its’s meant for mobile VR users that stream the image with an extra app.

    For Oculus please select the Oculus headset you have.

    For Vive (Pro)/Pimax/WMR and other headsets that support SteamVR, choose “SteamVR”

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