Roughly a year ago I went through Fallout New Vegas in Vorpx, playing through all the DLC and trying to visit every possible location on the map. It ended up being about a 90 hour run and one of the most memorable experiences I’ve had in my 30+ years of gaming. VR makes it so much more immersive and fun.
If you decide to play it I recommend getting the ultimate edition when goes on sale for about $6. The DLC adds ALOT to the experience, Old World Blues and Lonesome Road are the must-plays of the four DLC imo.
If you play it as a fps it’s janky but if you play it as an RPG with tactical turn based combat (VATS) it’s still an amazing game with excellent writing – Soo many choices and places to explore.
VorpX tips:
– 4GB patch is a must (doubles the ram the game has to work with)
– There is a stutter removal mod to make the walking a bit smoother
– Use the VorpX internal options to render higher resolution than the game normally allows, Vorpx’s sharpening can help alot too.
– VATS can be trippy in VorpX depending on what you’re targeting.. it can shake a bit if I remember right.
I’m kind’ve fighting off the urge to go through it again.. looking forward to checking it out in a newer HMD.