90 hour Fallout New Vegas run in VorpX

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    Roughly a year ago I went through Fallout New Vegas in Vorpx, playing through all the DLC and trying to visit every possible location on the map. It ended up being about a 90 hour run and one of the most memorable experiences I’ve had in my 30+ years of gaming. VR makes it so much more immersive and fun.

    If you decide to play it I recommend getting the ultimate edition when goes on sale for about $6. The DLC adds ALOT to the experience, Old World Blues and Lonesome Road are the must-plays of the four DLC imo.

    If you play it as a fps it’s janky but if you play it as an RPG with tactical turn based combat (VATS) it’s still an amazing game with excellent writing – Soo many choices and places to explore.

    VorpX tips:
    – 4GB patch is a must (doubles the ram the game has to work with)
    – There is a stutter removal mod to make the walking a bit smoother
    – Use the VorpX internal options to render higher resolution than the game normally allows, Vorpx’s sharpening can help alot too.
    – VATS can be trippy in VorpX depending on what you’re targeting.. it can shake a bit if I remember right.

    I’m kind’ve fighting off the urge to go through it again.. looking forward to checking it out in a newer HMD.


    Cool, good to know.


    Do you know how to solve the auto zoom issue that Im having? Its not when in vats or talking to people, its from time to time, like at each 20, 30 seconds and turn the game inpossible to play and it crashes sometimes too because of this it seems.

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