A couple quick questions and observations

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    After really delving into vorpX for the first time with FO3 I’m very impressed overall. The lounge mode is a godsend for those of us who are playing games that don’t suit full VR well. Plus I can play games that way for hour without issue, whereas a full-VR game like Skyrim VR I’m only at about 15 or 20 minutes before nausea sets-in (I’m absolutely fine with seated racing-sims however).

    One observation: Parts of the Configure vorpX app do not comply with scaled-screen settings. I run a 1080p display at 4K resolution and then scaled to 250%. I have specific reasons to do this and don’t want to have to switch back to regular 1080p. However, it makes parts of the Configure vorpX app unreadable as they appear not to scale at all (IIRC it is all of the “help” text sections which do not scale).

    A Question: Is it possible for me to turn off specific notifications? When running the vorpX Desktop app I get a message flashing in the upper-left corner that I have to dismiss every time with a key-combination. And when I’m showing the FPS with the built-in vorpX utility it continually nags me that I’m not getting 90fps. I would really like to be able to turn those notifications off if possible, but without using the “Hide Less Important Notifications” function.

    Last Question: If I turn on the “G3D Shader Authoring” function will I be able to tweak fundamental settings to try and fix things like the Fallout 3 Pip Boy and Terminal screen issues? Or are the provided profiles simply as good as they can possibly get? I’m used to having to fiddle with profiles with other products and might put in some time if there is a reason to do so, but I don’t want to just bang my head against a wall if the reality is that I’m not going to be able to correct issues like those.



    I promise, I am using the built-in forum search function to look for answers before posting questions here:

    Is there a place where you clarify what game .ini settings vorpX will change automatically? For example, I’ve tried to add “bLoadFaceGenHeadEGTFiles=1” to my Fallout 3 .ini files and it keeps getting removed. I suspect vorpX might be seeing a line it does not understand and is removing it? Also, if I add lines to the “FalloutPrefs.ini.vorpxbak” file will that take care of this issue


    Config app: you should be able to solve that by using by one of the High DPI compatibility options Windows provides. Right click the .exe > Properties > Compatibility.

    vorpX does not change the bLoadFaceGenHeadEGTFiles option in Fallout 3. Some mod managers or similar tools may also change .ini files. So if you are using something like that, that’s a potential candidate. The .vpxbak file is not used unless you restore settings in the vorpX config app.

    PipBoy: IIRC shaders in the game are used in multiple places, so enhancing/scaling the PipBoy breaks other things. EdgePeek is you best friend here. The save an extra mouse click you can bind the EdgePeek key to your PipBoy key.


    Ok, thanks! I’m having significantly more issue with Fallout 3 than I have had in the past, despite modding it incredibly lightly this time and having the reliable GOG version. Good to know I don’t have to worry about vorpX changing my actual .ini files.


    Just for clarification: vorpX does change the .ini, but not that particular seting. What vorpX does is setting the resolution and disabling motion blur and DOF, which both look bad in VR.

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