A way to adjust the center of focus?

Homepage Forums Technical Support A way to adjust the center of focus?

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  • #101841

    My vive rests on my face in a way that does not allow my eyes a straight line of sight to the center of the screen (I would have to tilt it unnaturally to center the focal point).

    This means that when using a cross-hair reticle in fullVR, I have to glance a bit high to aim it, rather than looking straight ahead. It also makes the lower letterbox bar more visible.

    Is there a way to adjust the focal point of the vorpx window up and down, allowing us to manually center it to our viewing angle? If there isn’t, might this be an easy feature to include?

    Have enjoyed tinkering around in the vive today, and appreciate your work on getting support out to us so quickly. Cheers.

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