About the Pimax support

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    I’m a backer of the Pimax kickstarter and today there is an email about what the next stretch goal will offer. Among other things it specifically mentions VorpX:

    For those popular tools, e.g. VorpX, we plan to enable direct support based on Pimax SDK. We are working with our partners on this.

    Then I remember reading here earlier, that most games and/or SteamVR will not be able to support a wide FOV.
    Can we get some ideas about how VorpX would work with Pimax and what such an integration would help achieve? A lot of the backers are planning to use the Pimax as a replacement for the Vive, but will this be actually possible when it comes to VorpX support?


    I am curious and want to buy a new Pimax 5k or 8k headset, as a headset to experiment with higher resolutions and field of vision, but I would like to know Ralf’s views on these things, especially regarding their use with Vorpx.

    Do you think it could work or be feasible to work with some regular games with Vorpx?

    It seems that Pimax will also be able to work with SteamVR, but I am concerned about some other things, such as not knowing how far it might be possible to make video games work at fov values higher than usual today like DK2/ CV1/ HTC.

    I would love to have a unit to experiment with Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, Oblivion, Skyrim e.t.c. with some mods, but I still have no guarantee to think that this may be possible, for now …

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