AC Rogue – Minimap Kills 3D

Homepage Forums Game Hints and Settings AC Rogue – Minimap Kills 3D

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    I’ve gotten Assassin’s Creed Rogue to work using Z3D (based on the Black Flag standard profile). It seems to work really well for the most part, but there’s one big issue. If the mini-map is enabled in the HUD, 3D disappears and everything goes flat. If I turn the mini-map off, 3D works perfectly again.

    Unfortunately, the mini-map is a pretty important part of AC games. Has anyone else found a fix to something like this?

    @Ralf : I was hoping to try out shader manipulation to identify the mini-map and attempt a fix, but I see that this is only available for G3D. Any thoughts?

    Thank you!


    Sorry to bug, but if you see this could I beg you for your thoughts on this?

    Thanks so much!

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