Ace Combat AH and Gamepad Emulation: Help!

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    Ace Combat seems like a great game for the Rift, and VorpX seems to do quite well with the visuals, but I’m trying to find a way to make the headtracking work.
    ACAH has pretty good support for gamepads, and I have no problem making the analog view panning work with a gamepad as normal, so I got excited when I found the ‘Headtracking as Gamepad’ option inside VorpX. However, I can’t seem to actually make it do anything. I don’t know if this is a problem with the specific game or if I’m doing something wrong, or what. It could be that the game simply doesn’t recognize the gamepad emulation, but I wanted to know if anyone else with more experience has tried this or is interested, because ACAH would be a wicked game for the rift, even with no 3D.
    I enable ‘headtracking as gamepad’, but no amount of screwing around with the axes or device number or whatnot will get any response.
    When I enable this option, is VorpX creating a virtual joystick? If so, how do I get a game to see it?
    Is it hijacking the input from an existing joystick? I’d like to find out more, because I imagine many games get their headtracking from this method.
    Any responses are appreciated, and I’ll update if I learn anything.
    Thanks to Ralf for this sweet driver, I’m having great fun with it despite these issues ^_^


    Here’s a short tutorial. Just be aware that this, while better than no head tracking at all, in most cases is not comparable to the normal head tracking, especially due to higher latency.

    1. Press [DEL] to open the in-game menu
    2. Go to Input page
    3. Set ‘Handle Gamepads Internally’ to Off
    4. Set ‘Headtracking as Gamepad’ to Relative or Absolute depending on the game. You should get a grasp of what is better quickly.

    The options below this should be more or less self explanatory except maybe Deadzone Correction, which efectively eliminates analog stick deadzones set by the game.

    If this is done, your headtracker is now a gamepad axis. The final, but very important step is to go to the game’s input options and map look left/right/up/down to the ‘Rift-Gamepad-Axis’, exactly as you would do with any other gamepad axis.


    That final step is the problem… no game I’ve tried so far has acknowledged a ‘rift-gamepad-axis’ . I don’t see any evidence that the headset is outputting any controller device.
    Since many games will also only recognize a gamepad that is plugged in when the game is started, I don’t see how to make this work.


    That final step is the problem… no game I’ve tried so far has acknowledged a ‘rift-gamepad-axis’ . I don’t see any evidence that the headset is outputting any controller device.
    Since many games will also only recognize a gamepad that is plugged in when the game is started, I don’t see how to make this work.

    Hmmm, strange. I recently had to resort to use the gamepad vorpx tracking in Risen 2 because for some reason it locked out the mouse input. But the strange thing is I got it to work without that final step, so that both my Xbox controller and my Rift headtracking simulating joypad RELATIVE both works. I did not however have to map any “Rift-Gamepad-Axis” in Risen 2…the fact that the Xbox controller Right analog still works to look up/down/left/right simultaneously with headtracking able to do the same while simulating gamepad is a strange thing.


    One thing I will add though, is that after saving the vorpx settings for gamepad headtracking it didn’t work until I restarted the game…just fyi.


    Any chance you could send a screenshot of your settings for that, or explain in more detail how you got there? Because getting VorpX to emulate the right analog stick on my Xbox controller is exactly what I’m trying to do, and I’ve had no success so far.
    And yes, I restart the game pretty much constasntly =P


    Any chance you could send a screenshot of your settings for that, or explain in more detail how you got there? Because getting VorpX to emulate the right analog stick on my Xbox controller is exactly what I’m trying to do, and I’ve had no success so far.
    And yes, I restart the game pretty much constasntly =P

    I wish I could but I am presently at work, I will be home at around 7:30pm EST, and will attempt a snapshot of the in game vorpx settings and post a link to it here.


    This is what forks for me in Risen 2, allowing simultaneous gamepad emulated headtracking and right analog stick for looking around on x360 gamepad.

    Within the game Risen 2, there is only the option to enable gamepad or use mouse and keyboard and all I did was enable gamepad (it does not allow use of keyboard/mouse simultaneously with gamepad.) I did not have to mess with any mappings of gamepad in Risen 2 and the x360 gamepad controls everything. Good luck!

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