Adding Custom Resolutions if Laptop Screen has “Wide” Native Resolution.

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    When adding Custom Resolutions in VorpX, would I want to add only the resolutions that match my laptop screen’s native resolution?

    For example, I see options for 4:3, Narrow, and Wide on the Custom Resolutions tab.  My laptop has a native resolution of 2560×1600 (which would be considered “Wide”).

    I added the “Wide” custom resolutions without any issues — they passed the tests (for a few higher resolutions, I needed to drop it from 165Hz to 120Hz or 60Hz for the test to pass).  

    Should I also add the 4:3 and Narrow resolutions as well? Or just the Wide resolutions?



    Easiest general rule of thumb: 4:3 for FullVR mode, 16:9/16:10 for cinema/immersive mode.

    Whenever possible select 4:3 resolutions in a game’s options for the FullVR play style. Your monitor’s aspect ratio is not important here, what counts is the aspect ratio of the headset display panels, which usually are roughly square or even have a slight portrait aspect ratio.

    In contrast to the ‘narrow’ resolutions 4:3 gives a bit more leeway on both sides for vorpX’s image zoom and its FullVR frame interpolation without sacrificing too much performance, so that’s usually a good FullVR choice without overthinking things.

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