Just finished setting this game up and …wow!!! Looking forward to the high def res rift with this one. I have been playing this game in 3D for quite some time..but does not come close to what the rift does for this game. I found the following online and was for me.. very helpful….
For FOV changes Basically add the lines
Bindings=(Name=”F8″,Command=”FOV 100″,Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False)
Bindings=(Name=”F9″,Command=”FOV 110″,Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False)
Bindings=(Name=”F10″,Command=”FOV 120″,Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False)
to the [Engine.PlayerInput] part of your “AliceInput.ini” file (found in MyFiles\My Games\Alice Madness Returns\AliceGame\Config) … F8-F10, cause F11 doesn’t seem to work and F12 is reserved for Steam screenshots. Use whatever FOVs you like.