Alien Isolation

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    I played this yesterday and I have to say this is the Best experience on the Oculus Rift so far by a long way.
    The game it’s self is pretty much perfect, but when you look at consoles in game and information screens they can be hard to read, except the map that’s fine.
    So I look forward to Vorpx and the edge peek that would help a lot with information screens. other than that the game runs perfect in the rift..

    Trancer Spacey

    This game is absolutely AWESOME with oculus rift! Best experience beside Half Life 2! And the graphic is the best, I’ve seen so far on the rift.

    But some things don’t work well, like the FOV is much to narrow, when you reading a monitor. I always wish there would be something like edge peak.

    Ralf, although A.I. is playable without Vorpx, please don’t stop working on a hooking solution with vorpX. Is it possible to let A.I. do the internal stereoskopic rendering, but let do vorpX things like edge peak, camera height or changing IPD?

    I think the possibility of changing IPD could solve the scaling issue, many people have in the game.

    Trancer Spacey

    By the way, you can tweak the FOV of Alien Isolation with editing the XML-File to. I copied this from Oculus forum:

    “Navigate to; Steam/SteamApps/Common/Alien_Isolation/DATA -> ENGINE_SETTINGS.XML

    and change this;


    <Setting name=”Field Of View”> <Quality name=”47″ float=”47.0″ precedence=”7″/> <Quality name=”50″ float=”50.0″ precedence=”6″/> <Quality name=”55″ float=”55.0″ precedence=”5″/> <Quality name=”60″ float=”60.0″ precedence=”4″/> <Quality name=”65″ float=”65.0″ precedence=”3″/> <Quality name=”70″ float=”70.0″ precedence=”2″/> <Quality name=”75″ float=”75.0″ precedence=”1″/> </Setting>

    into this;


    <Setting name=”Field Of View”> <Quality name=”47″ float=”47.0″ precedence=”7″/> <Quality name=”50″ float=”50.0″ precedence=”6″/> <Quality name=”55″ float=”55.0″ precedence=”5″/> <Quality name=”90″ float=”90.0″ precedence=”4″/> <Quality name=”100″ float=”100.0″ precedence=”3″/> <Quality name=”110″ float=”110.0″ precedence=”2″/> <Quality name=”120″ float=”120.0″ precedence=”1″/> </Setting>

    Then go in game to the Settings menu, Video, and drag the FOV bar until the number on the right becomes 120 (or 90 if you wanna start smaller).

    Hope this helps!”

    But unfortunately, the monitors in the game are still to narrow, even with a fov of 120. Like I said, edge peak would be very helpful!

    Trancer Spacey

    Ralf, do you still working on a vorpX-implementation for Alien? Because I think this would still make sense anyway. In native VR mode the game is very flickering, I think the games AA doesn’t work in this mode. Also I recognized, that the FOV settings named above work only in 2d mode. And the games positional tracking is ok, but the possible area is to small.

    Personally I would still love to see a vorpX solution for edge peek, ipd adjusting to let everything look more natural sized and forcing the game to better AA-settings with the nvidia-panel.

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