I have both a CV1 and a Vive (Yes I select the proper headset under ‘general’). Both work fine when I launch Skyrim, however when I launch doom 2016 or GTAV, nothing shows up on either headset at all, its as if nothing happened, I can see a smaller window running the game on my monitor.
I tried following all of the basic troubleshooting steps,including disabling anything that could interfere with the injector, cloud/local profiles, etc for each game. No matter what I do, each respective headset shows just the default steam vr or oculus home screen, its as if it doesnt even try or see the games being launched at all.
I tried to create a desktop shortcut as recommended in the basic troubleshooting steps, but I get the error message ‘please start vorpx control before using vorpx shortcuts’ when I try to run the shortcut (it creates it successfully) even though the control is running and is visible in the sys tray and works perfectly when I run/launch Skyrim.
How do I make vorpx work with anything other than Skyrim? Please advise. Thanks.