Alpha Protocol – (G3D)
Works real well in immersive mode. Disable dynamic shadows in game menu since shadows do not render correctly. My other in game menu settings:
– Motion blur off, why developers use this beyond me, terrible effect
– Depth of field off , another crappy effect
– Distortion off
– Vsync off
I am using a resolution of 3840×2880 4:3 and performs great. Profile uploaded to the cloud and simply based on the unreal 3 game engine. I am using a strong G3D setting with a wide FOV. Edgepeek G3D is left on since most screens look good in this way. I prefer using the VorpX G3D hot key to turn off the G3D only a few screens. The head tracking sensitivity is set to 0 so I can turn my head independently from the mouse or character movement. Great for this type of game. Either way, you can change your VorpX settings as you see fit. Fun game in G3D, reminds me a bit of the Splinter Cell series.