Judging from my own experience with CP2077, I’d say that sounds a bit unrealistic at this point, after all it’s pretty the much the most demanding you can find. If the highest possible resolution is your main goal, dial down details a bit. Super high resolutions and everything on ultra is something to aim at with the next generation of GPUs in CP2077, at least at 45fps and better.
Yeah, I know. It really is very, very close however. If the new upscaling/sharpening method is somewhat better I might be able to squeeze what I want out of it; as it stands I’m frustratingly close to perfection. I’m “this far” (imagine my fingers held 1″ apart) away from being able to push 45fps at 2880×1620 with DLSS factors that still look great and running it RT Ultra mode. That’s sufficient resolution for Virtual Cinema mode for sure. I only tested it at 64/32 to see how great I could make it look if I was totally unconcerned regarding the performance.