Analog axes in Gamepad Mode

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    I need that analog X- and Y-axes of the left and right sticks of Oculus Touch controllers are able to bind in games. But when «Controller Mode: Gamepad» is selected, the right stick controls the mouse and left stick controls the WASD-buttons. It is not gamepad behavior. In this case left stick provide discrete control but not analog one.


    Unfortunately there are games that do not allow mouse and gamepad input at the same time. Whenever vorpX requires to emulate a mouse for head tracking in such a game, you cannot use a gamepad natively. To deal with such games vorpX has a built-in gamepad to mouse/keyboard mapper (freely configurable in the vorpX ingame menu).

    So whenever the gamepad to mouse/kb emulation is enabled in a game profile that is probably done because otherwise there would be a conflict between native gamepad and mouse based head tracking.

    If I had to guess, I’d say that about 20% of games fall into that category.


    The game I’m playing now allows me to control the mouse and the gamepad or joystick simultaneously. What needs to do to bind the analog axis of the left stick on the Oculus Touch to the game? Oculus Touch controllers do not appear in Windows 10 as separate devices. I could install a virtual joystick and bind it to the game ( ), but how to attach sticks on the Oculus Touch to vJoy?


    If you are 100% certain that there won‘t be any conflict set ‚X-Box Gampad Override‘ to ‚None’ in the vorpX menu (Input page) and then set the Touch controllers to gamepad mode on the Touch controller page. That way the Touch controllers act as native gamepad.

    Be aware though that usually there is a reason if the gamepad override is set to anything else than ‚None‘. So if you encounter anything unusual, reset it to its default state.


    Unfortunately, this did not help. The game does not perceive Touch Controllers as a Gamepad or as a Joystick.


    The controllers act as X-Box gamepad. if your game is an older game that may not work, for all newer games that support X-Box gamepad it does. If for some reason you can‘t make it work, simply set the Touch controllers to mouse/keyboard instead. vorpX provides both options to let you use your Touch controllers one way or the other in any case.


    It’s strange. The game works correctly with Logitech F310 or F710 gamepads in xInput mode. I’d better use them for my left hand because they provide analog motion control, and the KB/Mouse mode in vorpX is only discrete. Anyway, thanks for the help.

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