Any decent tutorials for a new to Vorpx user

Homepage Forums General vorpX Discussion Any decent tutorials for a new to Vorpx user

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    Hi all, I’m very new to VR and this program, I have tried to set quite a few games up using the configs but nothing seems to look/work right. I’m hoping you can point me in the right direction of how to set up non-VR games.

    Many thanks


    The only things that *need* to be taken care of are field of view and head tracking sensitivity. The Essential Hints Guide in the vorpX help explains how to do that. Get accustomed to these two most important things and then learn about more advanced tweaking later once you got a basic grasp of things.

    Do not tweak too much as a new user. vorpX has many options, which may be tempting, but before you know your way around a bit you can *very* easily cause more harm than good by doing so.

    That said, the videos below go through the options menu and explain most of it. The first one is a bit outdated, but most of it is still relevant:


    Ok that’s great, I’ll check those vids out and see what I can come up with. Thanks for your reply


    Sorry Ralf,

    I’ve tried what the videos told me and also tried the game setting optimizer in both GTA V and Arma3 both are still crazy zoomed in. I must be doing something wrong. I am using the HTC Vive if that helps, ta.


    For Arma III the vorpX Game Optimizer in the config app should be able to adjust the FOV.

    If that fails for some reason, please follow the instructions linked below. You will need a horizontal FOV of 120.,A3.htm

    For GTA please check the thread below. If using the vorpX image zoom is not OK for you, you will need an external tool (Flawless Widescreen) to raise the game’s FOV.


    Ok thanks, I’ll give these a shot when I get home

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