Any isometric games that run in 3D

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    I’m curious if there are more isometric games besides Divinity: OS2 that run in 3D in vorpX. What about Pillars Of Eternity? Or Shadowrun: Dragonfall or Shadowrun: Hongkong? I’m interested in RPGs, so if anyone knows of compatible titles, please tell. :)



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    There should be a few in this list


    Thanks, guys. I’ll see if i can find some that suit my taste.


    WOW great list, thanks for this.


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    @gabe_b it appears that certain ip adresses are blocked , please follow the instuctions on the site that is shown on your image so i can unblock the corresponding email adress. Havent you read that message ?


    Are you only interested in isometric RPGs, or do you enjoy other RPGs?

    I enjoy many of the classic-style isometric RPGs, but also enjoy many of the newer ones. Probably the best “blend” of traditional and new was Dragon Age Origins, which I would whole-heartedly recommend even to people who “only like real isometric-style RPGs. Other than that one things go non-traditional pretty quickly, but if you can adjust don’t hesitate to try the rest of the Dragon Age series, the Mass Effect series, Fallout 3, NV, and 4, or even Skyrim (not a very good RPG, but a nice open world wandering-around kind of thing), and don’t forget Witcher 2 and 3. All good, or even great, RPGs that you might enjoy.

    Oh, and I don’t know if it will work with VorpX, I’m not quite there yet, but NWN2 is still a fairly good RPG even by today’s standards, and it did work with TriDef so there is at least some chance you can get it to work with VorpX.


    Well, i’m a PC gamer since 1998, so i’m at home with RPG games. :) But, isometric RPGs are mostly unexplored by me, that’s the reason i asked.

    I found isometric view in the past a bit boring and almost never stuck with those games (except the Shadowrun series, that was genius IMO).

    Now, with Stereo3D, isometric games got more exciting. I will for sure give Divinity: Original Sin 2 a second chance. :) And i’ll see about NWN2.

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