Any way to "de-3d"ize the crosshair in games?

Homepage Forums Game Hints and Settings Any way to "de-3d"ize the crosshair in games?

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    Specifically, I’m playing Mass Effect 2 in G3D, and the crosshair is difficult to aim since you see 2 of them when focusing on the bad guys.
    I tried turning on “domniant eye” but it didn’t really help.


    Enable expert settings and use the shader editing tool, step through the shaders in “Hide” mode until the crosshair disappears. Make this shader active and try the different settings below, probably “HUD”, “No Transform” or “No Stereo” should fix that. If you are unlucky, the setting effects other objects too so you have to go through the other settings as well until you find one about suitable for all of them. If you play the game in cinema mode you can also try “Focal Offset” on the 3D settings page, slightly changing this may help already.


    I wanted to suggest the shader tool, but realized it wont work for official supported profiles. You’d have to rename Mass Effect’s exe and add a custom profile (assuming ME2 will even launch with renamed exe).

    But first, try adjusting the HUD depth setting in vorpX ingame menu. Just maybe if you make the crosshair deeper it will feel less “cross-eyed”.


    Thanks guys! I’m sure one of these will work. Cheers!

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