Any way to increase the maximum level of various menu items

Homepage Forums General vorpX Discussion Any way to increase the maximum level of various menu items

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    Heya – so is there any way to increase the amount of effect of various of the in-game menu items – specifically with separation, focal offset and UI depth ? I find that in skyrim (for example) if i get the separation and the focal offset right for me (which is often 0.3 and -0.1 respectively), then the UI is doubled when I focus in the distance (ie to infinity), and pushing the UI depth as far as it lets me (ie 1.0) partially corrects it by bringing the two UI images together, but in order to fully correct it it looks as though I would need to push the UI depth to 1.2 or possibly even 1.4 – so is there any way to make it go further (by editing files etc) ? Or is there anyway we could get the degree of effect of these various parameters increased significantly – like up to 2.0 for each one etc ? Thanks


    If you mean the game HUD depth then you can already place it anywhere from infinity to very close. A value of 0.0 places the HUD a few centimeters away from your eyes, 1.0 places it at infinity.

    Please leave the focal offset (convergence) at 0.0. This actually doesn’t do anything useful for VR. It was initially left visible on request of stereo driver users coming from monitor S3D, but it really does more harm than good (actually no good at all) in VR and was removed for good in the latest build.

    Changing the focus point/convergence (and thus also the infinity plane) is probably the cause of your HUD depth issue.


    Game profiles are saved in .ini files in C:\Users\name\AppData\Local\Animation Labs\vorpX\Profiles .
    I’d like to have separation increased above the maximum value of fSeparationNormal=2.000000 for GTA V. Changing the value to something higher than 2 in the GTA V .ini doesn’t work(separation stays at 2.0000 in 3d).

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