maybe, the biggest pull for me to get one is the integrated wifi 6.
have the quest 1 and ive given up on having a decent wireless PC experience.
i’ll wait for feedback on the quest 2.
Currently have a rift CV1 so the quest 2 will be a big step-up for me.
How well does vorpX work with Oculus Link? I’m looking forward to the upgrade to the link software for Quest 2 that will allow the higher refresh rate (90Hz).
I have a great time using Wifi with the Q1. I use it with a dedicated Router. Target has some insane deals so I got the Q2 and standard Elite Strap on preorder for < $300 after tax.
Oculus Quest 2 plus Virtual Desktop wireless plus Vorpx….
The dream is real. I can play PC VR in any room. I can play all my “Pancake” games anywhere. I can play many of my pancake games in 3D using Vorpx. Totally awesome :-)
I’m not going to get a Quest 2 because of the arbitrary requirement of having a Facebook account. I deleted my account years ago and have no desire to create a new one in order to use a piece of hardware. That’s just stupid.
Is the display clarity similar to 1080p monitor in terms of fine and distant details? What about the whole experience of playing pancake games in Quest 2: is it comfortable for playing long sessions?