Anyone playing Remnant from the Ashes with Vorpx?

Homepage Forums General vorpX Discussion Anyone playing Remnant from the Ashes with Vorpx?

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  • #194750

    Hi all.

    I’ve been playing Remnant on my Xbox since it is included with my Game Pass subscription. I really love the game!

    I’m thinking about buying it for my PC with the intent of playing in VR with Vorpx, but I wonder how the performance is since the game is pretty graphically demanding. Also, does it play well in VR with the sometimes fast and frantic gameplay? I get that it is probably played in cinema mode as otherwise it could be pretty nausea inducing.

    How is the quality of the 3D effect? Some games look remarkably good in Vorpx, but some look like “3D movie glasses”.

    Thanks for your thoughts!



    It’s Z3D only. IIRC there was an issue with stereoizing the ground plane when I checked Geometry 3D, which in the end made me decide to leave it at Z3D.

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