If you aren’t opposed to using the Epic Store, my personal top recommendation as far as new profiles for the next vorpX are concerned is Control (G3D/Z3D). Great game.
There will also be an official Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order profile (G3D/Z3D), Remnants from the Ashes (Z3D) will be added, and and if you like racing games, F1 2019 (G3D/Z3D) is worth a look.
And if by any chance 4X strategy with vorpX sounds appealing to you, get Civilization V (sic!). After only about five years or so on my internal ‘I-should-really-do-this-sometime’-list I finally implemented some DX9 compatibility improvements that allow G3D for the game. Looks absolutely awesome on the cinema screen.
vorpX 20.1.0 will be out either tomorrow or on Chrsitmas Eve, there still is a bit of profile fine tuning work to do.