Yes I can get it to display through the Rift with VorpX but there is no mouse pointer support so it’s impossible to navigate the ingame UI’s. It’s unusable. Keyboard Tabbing does not support all in-game UI buttons especially when trying to join a multiplayer game for example when you need to join a slot. Edge Peak works but the VorpX mouse prevents any in game UI interaction and toggling the VorpX mouse off does not turn the ingame mouse on either.
cheers mate, only thing that happens for me is a quad image, 2x in each eye, oh well, it is what it is, i actually have a mouse pointer on my screen, well, 4 of them actually hahahaaa
Is it the game’s mouse pointer or the vorpx mouse pointer? (the latter I suspect)
Not sure why you are getting a dual image in each eye, weird. Have you set the Rift display mode to ‘Extend the desktop to the HMD’? that’s what you need.