OK, I did a bit more digging and it seems to be in the hands of BATTLEYE.
I found some comments on a youtube video (HERE):
“It appears that ARMA 3 game update 1.46 (enhanced battle eye protection) has broken Vorpx ability to engage. With Battle eye off Vorpx 0.8.10 is fully able to engage and display as per the above video routine. Email has been sent to vorpx and also battle eye, I will update once I know more, my installation was fully working online with battle eye on before the 1.46 update, and again with battle eye off it works fine, on it does not work, to me that means the battle eye is the issue.”
“In short Battle Eye cant allow Vorpx to access the Dirrect X files. There was a lot of back and forth about it, ben from road to vr was looped in on the emails and also given a cliff notes, I asked him to chase both sides to find out the inside scoop as there will be a lot of Arma 3 Dk2 players that are going to be devastated about this.”
These comments are from about 2 weeks ago. Does anyone have an update as of yet? Ralf, if you read this, do you know of any status?