Arma 3 help

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  • #212294

    hi everyone i have just downloaded arma 3 using the local profile i get this error
    “injection failed: arma3_x64.exe, you have to disable battleye in arma 3 launcher”
    i have disaled battleeye, i have it set to oulus, but nothing happens in the headset at all, if i change i to steam vr in vorpx i hear sound but no picture
    can anyone help to get this working thanks


    i got it to work by using use alternative hooking method, but when im in vr mode and using a game controller it wont let me move the contoller to look up or anything

    @Ralf are you able to help with settings to get this to work please


    You must search on vorpx in game menu, type controller and set controller


    Sorry I don’t understand could you explain


    Ok so i have it looking ok now, but for some reason using the xbob xontroller on pc when i move it moves so fast with vorpx on adjusting the game sensitivity on arma 3 iteself doesnt do anything how can i slow the movement of the contoller down now

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