Arma 3 Major Flickering

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  • #212540

    Hi there,

    So I’ve been able to play Arma 3 with VorpX for the last few days with good results, and suddenly I’m getting major flickering. I’ve tried reloading the default profile multiple times, as well as trying different VorpX settings, 3D modes, etc to no avail. Any suggestions on what could be going on?

    GIF for example:

    My specs:

    CPU – 5900X
    GPU – RTX 3080
    2TB SSD
    64 GB RAM
    Quest 2 w/ Link Cable


    That looks weird for sure. Not really sure what to recommend unfortunately. If it worked before and you already did profile reset something outside of vorpX must have changed.


    I see, thanks for the reply! I’ll be sure to update this thread if I ever get it figured out.


    I made a little progress in trying to figure out the issue I’m having. It has to do with TrackIR being enabled and running through Opentrack. When those are disabled then everything looks fine, but I have no head tracking. None of the settings in Opentrack appear to have an affect.


    You don’t need an external OpenTrack instance running, vorpX comes with its own for better integration, e.g. vorpX automatically disables other tracking methods with enabled TraclkIR tracking and so on.

    Can be turned on/off in the vorpX menu, you should see an according hint in the top/left corner of the game window normally.

    In general: don’t tinker more than you have to. :)


    Hmm…So when I start the game, VorpX starts Opentrack 2.3.12 as an external program – which is installed under C:/Program Files (x86)/Animation Labs\vorpX\Devices\OpenTrack. (I have VorpX version 21.3.3).

    Are you saying this should not happen? Could loading a cloud profile have installed it? To test this, when I close out Opentrack with the game running, my glitch goes away but I don’t have headtracking anymore – even though TrackIR is enabled in the VorpX menu.


    That should happen, but you do not need to adjust any settings in OpenTrack. Just leave it running in the background with the default settings vorpX applies. The only thing you need to do is enabling TrackIR in the game (and potentially in the vorpX menu if it isn’t already enabled there).

    Since you already tinkered with the OpenTrack settings, try to uninstall and then reinstall vorpX. The defaults ensure that vorpX provides the head tracking data instead of OpenTrack working on its own independently. Don’t make any changes that affect that (e.g. by changing the data providers), just leave everything as it was originally.


    Oh I see. I did as you suggested and uninstalled/reinstalled VorpX, but unfortunately the problem persists. The strange thing is that this also happened the very first time I ran Arma 3. The problem suddenly went away without me changing anything and it ran very well for a few days, until now. When troubleshooting yesterday, there was one instance where the issue went away and it worked as intended – but I haven’t been able to reproduce the steps that fixed it.


    Still no luck in figuring out a solution. When Opentrack is started, it’s as if VorpX is trying to render my straight forward looking view at the same time as where my head is looking. If I center the headtracking and be careful to keep my head perfectly still, the glitch is less pronounced.


    I figured it out!

    In my case, I have Tobii Eye Tracker 5 for many games, and in the case of Arma 3 Tobii apparently uses its own version of Freetrack, which was causing a conflict when Opentrack was running. So my solution is to turn off Tobii Game Hub and Tobii Experience before starting up Arma 3 in VorpX, and now it works great with no more glitching.

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