ARMA 3 Performance – i7 and Gtx 1060

Homepage Forums Game Hints and Settings ARMA 3 Performance – i7 and Gtx 1060

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  • #200299

    Hi Team,

    I’m finding that I am getting rubbish performance in ARMA 3 using Vorpx and I’m hoping someone can help me please.

    I have an MSI laptop with am i7 7700 2.8GHz, 16GB RAM and a Gtx 1060 graphics card. I can run ARMA 3 on full graphics and get 30-40 fps no problems when using standard, however when I am using Vorpx and my Oculus Rift S (even with graphics settings put down to the lowest) I am down to 4-7 fps and the game is un-playable.

    Are my systems specs too low or can I adjust settings to get better performance?




    Full graphics means nothing without the resolution you’re running at, but you should probably be getting better than 30-40 fps to begin with. I’d suggest deleting or renaming the arma 3 config file in your documents folder and resetting everything. I had to do that, and disable my second monitor to get it to use my primary monitor. The game’s optimization algorithms are kind of stupid.

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