Being the age of a dynosour these days YA IT BLOWS GOATS! I love vr to say the least. I am wanting to use it with Arma Reforger but as crap as I am with game profiles and putting this into that profile, I am basicly going to FU&# it all up and everything is going to go to crap on me so, I basicly am here asking anyone here if they can help an old guy out getting it to work. Ive got a pimax 5k+, windows 11, Vorpx, I9, RTX 3070, yadaa yadda. If you could explain how ti get it to run in Reforger that would be epic. Like I said earlier I am no computer person. I can turn it on, off, change some settings,run programs (when they work), download things but thats about it to be honest. I have bricked enough computers to know when to just say screw it and ask for some help if it is available so, here I am.
Thanks in advance for the help if it comes.