Assassin Creed Odissey not hooking after Patch

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    Also with new hooking method the game is not loading, maybe a fix sometime is possible


    Not reproducible here, works fine with both regular and alternative hooking. Please check for programs on your PC that might interfere with hooking: first and foremost virus scanners, also any CPU/GPU utility, video recording/streaming apps, messengers and generally everything that can show notifications in games.

    If hooking issues suddenly appear after a vorpX update, your virus scanner is the most likely candidate. Might make sense to exclude the vorpX program folder to avoid potential issues in that regard.

    Just in case: if you are using a third party AV program, you should consider to switch to Windows Defender. It’s just as good as the best third party AV apps these days, but less invasive and less likely to cause problems. On Windows 10 Windows Defender kicks in automatically when you uninstall a third party AV program.


    I can confirm that both hook methods are working here for me too. I’ve been playing ACOddy a lot this week so I was eager to test this report.

    There is something fishy about Z3D rendering in both Odyssey and Origins using Rift in 19.1. Some type of Z-buffer artifacting that is appearant even on the loading screens. In game it has a stuttering smear effect.

    Rebooting did not resolve, though I don’t get this problem using my Pimax4k with steamVR.

    I do have “optimize game settings” disabled to keep my own ini values, but his wasn’t a problem before 19.1.

    The few other Z3D games I’ve tested so far (Ghost Recon wildlands, Hunter call of the wild, War of Rights) still seem ok in rift, but those AC games are both affected. I’ll do more testing.


    Mmmh, no changes to both profiles since last October, before branching off 19.1.0. I’ll look into it.

    The menu thing is to be expected, the games don’t clear the depth buffer while showing the menu. Quite a few games do that.

    IIRC both games have resolution scaling in their graphics options. While in general that is a fantastic option for vorpX in newer games, it sometimes can confuse the depth buffer heuristics unfortunately. Worth to try 100% if you changed that setting. Same for trying with/without antialising.


    Update: resolution scaling is called ‘Resolution Modifier’ and vorpX automatically sets it to 100% on AC:Origins with the optimizer enabled. Can’t really remember why, but something like this never is done without good reason. So that might very much be the problem.

    As always: usually not a good idea to disable the settings optimizer. If you have to, at least always first try with it enabled whenever you encounter issues.


    Ok my fault hooking great now as usal thanks for help!


    I learned a long time ago not to mess with res scaling, so I leave that at 100% and try all AA settings.

    I learned it wasn’t necessarily Z-buffer related, as the smear happened with 3D off. It happens when moving the mouse.

    Turns out it was the new Tracking Prediction setting in vorpX, meant to handle motion smoothing I gather. As soon as turned that off all artifacting was gone.

    I’ve been leery to update the necessary graphics drivers for steam motion smoothing (and previous related vorpX), as things were already working so well. I also thought it was steamVR exclusive tech so am puzzled to see this setting for use in my Rift.

    What is your opinion of the new smoothing with vorpX? Does it improve performance significantly? Does it work for rift/windows hmds? Does it introduce any problems?

    Anyway, that’s been my only hiccup with 19.1 so far, glad to have solved it to a degree. Still lots more to test :)


    Rift had that before SteamVR, Oculus calls it ‘Spacewarp’, pretty much a matter of taste. It’s basically the same debatable motion vector based method to create extra frames that TVs have since ages, just with new names. In contrast to the prior reprojection (or ‘Timewarp’ for Oculus), that only handles rotation, Motion Smoothing/Spacewarp also handles position changes. The price you pay for that are the typical visual artifacts you noticed.

    Personally I prefer the rotation only reprojection which doesn’t introduce artifacts and is good enough for my taste. Oculus/Valve (also many users) however seem to favor the more glitchy motion smoothing for whatever reason.


    I can confirm that both hook methods are working here for me too.

    While I, on the other hand, can absolutely confirm that AC:O is NOT working anymore with VorpX.
    It loads normally, but as soon as I touch a controller the game crashes and shows the “Waiting…” notification, and that is it.
    No fix for this, it’s just not working.

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